By entering Ants Inya Pants you accept the following Rules of Entry
All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult/guardian for the duration of their session at Ants Inya Pants. Parents/Guardians are responsible for the behaviour and well-being of the children in their care and must maintain supervision at all times. The Ants Inya Pants team are here to help maximise your children’s enjoyment from the play experience, they are not a replacement for parental supervision. Ants Inya Pants does not accept responsibility for the supervision of children.
Adults are permitted to enter the play equipment with a child. Adults must remove shoes and must wear socks at all times on the play equipment.
PLAY EQUIPMENT It is important that you on behalf of your children read and follow these basic rules when using the play equipment. Children must go down the slide in the forward facing position. They must not push or be pushed by other children. We recommend that arms are folded when travelling down the slide. Under no circumstances should a child or adult climb the slide from the bottom. There should be no climbing on the nets. No toys must be pushed all thrown down the slide.
FOOD & DRINK Food (including crisps, raisins, sweets, chewing gum) and drinks are not allowed on the play equipment. We request that food and drink consumption be limited to the café/restaurant eating area. Only food and drink purchased from our restaurant may be consumed on the premises, except for baby food.
CLEANLINESS & HYGIENE Keeping Ants Inya Pants clean is extremely important to us. Please inform a member of the team of any spillages or unclean areas. Our toilet/changing facilities are checked regularly, if you are not satisfied, please advise a member of staff. Please use the baby changing facilities provided.
PLAY SESSION Your admission to Ants Inya Pants qualifies you for a play. Children must be under 12 years of age and less than 1.48 metres (4’10’’). Height restrictions are in place for the safety and enjoyment of all children.
BEHAVIOUR Any anti-social or abusive behaviour towards staff or other patrons and any wilful damage to the equipment will not be tolerated at Ants Inya Pants. Anyone involved will be asked to leave the play centre. This decision is at the discretion of the management and no refund will be offered. Membership may also be removed and a claim put against you for any damage caused.
DRESS CODE All shoes and other outer footwear must be removed before entering the play areas, this applies to adults and children alike. Shoes can be stored under tables to avoid accidents. Socks must be worn on the play equipment at all times. Jewellery, belts, watches and other items with sharp edges should not be worn when playing on equipment. We recommend to parents that children wear long sleeves and trousers.
BABY CHANGING & FEEDING For hygiene reasons please do not change nappies in the public area; please use the baby change facilities provided. Ants Inya Pants are able to heat baby food/drink for our patrons. We cannot accept responsibility for the temperature of the food after it has been heated. Please check carefully.
HEALTH Children who are injured, ill or nauseous are not permitted to use the play frame.
FIRE Patrons are not permitted to carry matches, lighters, fireworks or other combustible materials anywhere in the play centre.
SMOKING Ants Inya Pants is a non-smoking site. Smoking is not permitted in any part of Ants Inya Pants or within 10 metres of the main entrance. Smoke detectors are fitted throughout the play centre. Anyone found in breach of this rule will be asked to leave the play centre and no refund will be offered.
ACCIDENTS All accidents should be reported at reception and recorded in the accident book before leaving the play centre. Parents/Guardians should note that whilst every consideration has been given for the safety of children using the play equipment, Ants Inya Pants cannot be held responsible for accidents which occur as a result of children playing on the equipment. It is important to follow the rules of play at all times.
POSSESSIONS Ants Inya Pants do not accept responsibility or liability for the loss or damage to any personal possessions whilst on the premises or in the car park.
LIABILITY Ants Inya Pants are unable to accept responsibility or liability for loss or injury caused through the misuse of equipment or lack of supervision by a parent/guardian.